Series Extrait de Caviar WIRUINE Original Cosmetics products - Каталог сайтов iMen.RU
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Series Extrait de Caviar WIRUINE Original Cosmetics products

Extrait de Caviar Ampoule WIRUINE is reliable cure for the rehabilitation of your skin. It contains significant concentration of caviar extract and as a result takes enhanced effect. The Ampoule W&E normalizes the vital functions of your skin by protecting it from free radicals; consolidates and strengthens it. Your skin accumulates energy and power, keeps on to be fit for longer time. As a result, the skin resistance against stress and aggressive impact of environment increases. The Caviar Ampoules W&E are rich on useful substances from the embryonic cells of sturgeon and microelements of the sea, which support the regeneration of your skin, moisturize it and restore secretion balance. The caviar ampoules have very special effect on weary, aged skin with tendency to prematurely wrinkles.
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Дата добавления: 14.11.2005 в 15:24:04