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Everything you need to gain mental and physical energy in the best possible way!

Kurt Hellmann I would like to share one particular experience with ACTIVIZER OXYPLUS: I have been a regular jogger for over 30 years; last Sunday I ran my usual distance of 9 km (5.6 miles) in the Prater in Vienna. Without especially trying and without pushing myself to the limit, I was able to improve my best time by 2 minutes. In my experience the flush (that warm, tingling feeling) lasts longer and over a period of 2-3 hours I had the impression that I could breathe more deeply and easily, much better. My comment, I am a real enthusiast. Annette Schonemann I am called Annette Schonemann, am 37 years" old and live in Hanover (Germany) . In May this year I was introduced to the FitLineR product ActivizeR OXYPLUS. I have now been using this product for a few months and am no longer tense and tired - neither at work or after work. What"s more I have lost 6 kg (13 pounds) during this period.
Латвия, Riga
URL: http://www.2303308.activizeplus.com
Дата добавления: 06.01.2004 в 13:21:15